
Albert Hamilton

Wed 9th November 2016

Customer Research

How good customer research drives better sales I was recently in a meeting with a prospective client and I asked who their target market was.  I was told it was “everyone”.  That was all I needed to hear to know that they did not have a sufficient customer research strategy in place. Given that good […]

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Albert Hamilton

Wed 21st September 2016

Why it’s risky to market to your ‘average’ customer

Why is some market research so fixated on averages? Say we add up the exam scores of ten students and we divide that number by ten.  That gives us their average score – right?  The strange thing is – it is highly unlikely that most, or possibly even any of the students got that exact […]

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Albert Hamilton

Fri 9th September 2016

Big Data limitations and how to overcome them with Big Qual

In the struggle to increase market share and share of wallet, having hard numbers from quantitative research to refer to can be reassuring. Quantitative market research provides answers to questions such as where exactly is our secondary catchment? How much is it worth? What is our share of that market? In which postcode zones are […]

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Business improvement district heat map

Why ‘Off-the-shelf’ doesn’t work in market research

Tue 16th August 2016

Market Research Society Meeting NI

Market Research Society Northern Ireland

Fri 20th May 2016

Shopping Centre

Shopping Centre Market Research

Wed 27th April 2016


Selecting the right research tools

Thu 24th March 2016

Market Research Society Northern Ireland Delegates

Market Research Society NI

Wed 17th February 2016

Market Research Society logo

Market Research Society Meeting

Thu 7th January 2016

Shopping centre market research

Market Research Definitions

Mon 4th January 2016